About Us
Your librarians welcome you to our site. Check our catalog for the items we have for your use....come in to use our free Wi-Fi or our public computers. Library cards are free - all we need is valid identification and a few minutes of your time.
TexShare borrowers are limited to one item and with time constraints same as local patrons--2 weeks. If there is a wait list, no rechecks. Returns can be made in person, in the night drop, or by mail. Fines for late items are 25 cents per day per book. The lost items fee is the price of the book and $5.00 for reprocessing. We call our patrons, but since there is a long-distance block on our phones, any overdue fine notices for TexShare patrons living outside our local calling area will be mailed. The user is responsible for returning the books and any overdue fines whether they receive notification or not. Bills are due within four weeks. Borrowing privileges will be blocked for TexShare borrowers who have unpaid fines, lost, damaged or overdue books. Reference books, genealogy material, microfilm, audio books, videos, DVDs, CDs, or latest edition books (less than one year old) do not circulate.